Ride Report: The day I became a randonneur

Route / Event: Much Ado About Nothing / 200km Brevet [ Ride Log ] Today was the day -- the day I would try to complete my first 200km brevet; an organized group-depart event with the Randonneurs Ontario club. Earlier this year I didn't think I would be able to make this event, which was a shame because it was the only brevet that starts in my resident city of London, Ontario. I was scheduled to participate in Race the RockStAR , an annual multi-sport adventure race up in the Haliburton Highlands. But it's cancellation freed up this weekend which turned out to be serendipitous. However, pulling in to the Tim Horton's at 6:45AM, I was in a bit of a state. Sure I was excited about the prospect of completing my longest ride to date, and my first official ride with this club. But it was raining, and that was wreaking havoc on my psyche. I had attempted this route before once , back in October 2020, and the all-day rain had played it's part in preventing me from finis...