Ride Report: Finishing a brevet is always the goal, but not always the outcome!

Route / Event: St. Thomas to Paris 200 / 200km Brevet [ Ride Log ] Another Saturday morning arrival at another Tim Horton's for another brevet with Randonneurs Ontario . This one in particular was located on the eastern edge of St. Thomas, Ontario, and the intended route would have the group cycling out to the town of Paris (no, not that Paris ) before looping back to St. Thomas. I unloaded and packed my bike in the dark parking lot, beneath the crackling of an intimidating transformer tower. I grabbed some breakfast (the usual: Farmer's Wrap and OJ), and greeted other fellow randonneurs as they arrived. One such randonneur approached me and said "Hey man, it's good to see you again!". After a quick double-take, I realized this was my friend sadrik. He and I had worked together in the early 2000s, and though we hadn't seen each other much in the last fifteen years, I had noticed that he was putting down some serious cycling miles, and in...