Ride Report: Zen And the Art of Cycling around Essex

Route / Event: Tour d'Essex / 200km Brevet [ Ride Log ] Fred & Michel "So wait, this course would be a 0.5...maybe a 0.666 or something?" I asked. Michel and I were discussing a method of ranking cycling route difficulty by dividing elevation gain over route distance. It was way too early on a Saturday and my mathematical subroutines were definitely undercaffeinated. "It's 125m over 200km. The point is, it's flat. Very flat. It'll be a good day for a personal best." he responded. These are the types of discussions you have with fellow randonneurs when you hit the pre-dawn highway to make an 8am out-of-town departure time. Indeed the ride was looking extremely positive. Flat course (0.625 on the 'Hebert' scale), no rain, no wind -- it was looking in our favour. This worked out well because today was a day where I was balacing wanting to have a good successful ride, but also needing to get home to where my son was hosting his eight...