Forest City Cycling Challenge 2022

I'm always looking for reasons to ride far, and when the Forest City Cycling Challenge announced that they had a 50km, 100km, and 160km routes to ride as part of their upcoming charity event I was keen to jump in. About the Forest City Cycling Challenge: The LCL Crew: Vince, Steve, Jack, Laura W, Laura G, Fred, Kim, Molly (absent: Jen) Photo credit: Kevin Rodger The Forest City Cycling Challenge had it's inaugural run in 2021, but due to the provincial lockdowns at the time, participants were asked to ride the routes solo within a give date range. Sponsored by Lerner's Lawyers, last year's event raised over $40,000 for St. Joseph's Health Care Foundation. The funds were allocated to the foundation's MINDS project which provided resources to youths battling mental illness. With last year's restrictions lifted, I quickly reconsidered the idea of riding solo, and wanted to see if I could put a team together. That might mean riding a shorter distance, and ev...