Ride Report: Erie-Uh-Oh!

Route / Event: Erie-Oh 300 / 300km Brevet [ Ride Log ] Lightning pierced the dark sky several times as we approached the city of Windsor. While amazing to behold, and a perfect compliment to the Metallica riffs that were streaming through the Android Auto system, Michel and I agreed it was rather unwelcome. So far this year I'd managed to dodge inclement weather on four individual 200km brevets. Now that I was attempting my first 300km, I was wondering if the Mother Nature was coming to collect her debt. The sky as steely gray and threatening as we pulled into the departure point, with just enough chill to remind me to throw on my reflective gear. Fred, Valerie, Dija, Michael, Ben, Michel (out of frame: Dick) I'd volunteered to act as ride organizer for this event, so as fellow randonneurs arrived, I ensured they had lights and a vest and handed out each their brevet cards. For this ride we had myself, Michel, Ben and Dick from the local Huron crowd, and V...