Ride report: Homecoming ride through Fergus and Elora

Route / Event: Sandhills 200 / 200km Brevet [ Ride Log ] Saying hi to mom on the way through Fergus, ON "You know, I always forget how long it takes me to get all my stuff together." Michel said, as we assembled our bikes in the parking lot of the Waterloo-based Tim Horton's. We'd arrived from London for a 7AM depart, and I always aim to arrive early for exactly this reason. "See? Not actually too early after all!" I replied, playing down my propensity for being punctual to a fault. And why not arrive early? Greeting fellow randonneurs at the departure point is part of the draw for me. It's one of the only chances I get to talk to like-minded people; folks who would deign to roll out of bed in the pre-dawn hours and drive to a meeting point before sitting on their bike saddle for anywhere from 8 to 12 hours. These are my people. And yet for many, the departure point may be the only time I see them all day! Randonneuring is, after all, an ...