Introspection: Is randonneuring a solo activity, or a group activity? Can it be both?

Route / Event: Railway City 200 / 200km Permanent [ Ride Log ] "When the snow falls and the white wind blows, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives." -- A Game of Thrones Is author George R. R. Martin a randonneur? I'm guessing he isn't. I mean I wish he was. I'd love to ride alongside him for 600km and chat about his Ice and Fire series. Nevertheless, the above words were etched in my brain as Marc Deshaie and I pulled into the Railway City Brewery, closing out the first 100km of our 200km permanent. It was late November. The two of us had scheduled a permanent late in the riding season. The Radonneurs Ontario club's scheduled events were all done for the season but a permanent is a self-scheduled ride along one of the club's prescribed routes. I still had this ridiculous notion that I could finish a 200km ride in twelve consecutive calendar months. This route was ideal for a few reasons. Firstly, both of us being from London, this St. Th...